
The Bestselling Author Next Door Book

Created by Skye Warren

Take control of your author career to sell more books, spend more time writing, and build consistent income so you can stop stressing. If you missed any of the items from the campaign, you can grab them here! BackerKit automatically adds them to the campaign totals.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

38 hours and counting...
over 2 years ago – Thu, Nov 17, 2022 at 01:11:47 AM

As I type this we only have 38 hours left on the clock for the Kickstarter. It definitely surpassed my dreams!

Though we haven't hit the final stretch goal for Writing a Breakout Book, so we have some room to grow.

I've gotten some questions asking me to explain more about Author Ads Intensive, which makes total sense, so I'm dropping some info below...

Author Ads Intensive will teach you the tools to create Facebook ads that find NEW readers and build an audience that will support your career for years. You don’t have to suffer for your art. Readers are looking for your books. They want to buy your books–first, they have to know they exist. .


You pour your heart and soul into them. You study craft and hire editors and pull your hair out over deadlines. Why shouldn't you also get paid well?


The income roller coaster can also be emotional. It's great to have a baseline that you can count on every month, so you can focus on your writing.


Stop worrying about changes to the algorithm or the book world. Once you're in control of your book sales, those things don't matter as much.

With Facebook ads, we can create ads that return your spend at least double. Sometimes triple or quadruple. If you could hand someone $10 and get back $20, would you do it? Would you do it again? Would you keep doing it every day?

That’s the power of Facebook ads.

And it’s a highly scalable medium, so it is not capped at ten dollars. You can turn one hundred dollars into two. One thousand dollars into two.

Some authors tell me they don’t have time to do Facebook ads. Who doesn’t have time to turn $10 into $20?

You’re already spending time on marketing. (Ever posted on social media or sent a newsletter?) Almost anything other than writing counts as marketing – and most of them don’t have the possibility of doubling your book sales.

That means you’re actually losing money with every minute you spend on them if you don’t have effective, profitable ads also running.

Here's what you get:

- Video presentations packed with information to make the most of your time, including slides that have real examples of ads and real, transparent results.

- Every video has a TEXT version if that’s how you prefer to consume information. Fair warning, these are long (combined, they’re the length of a novel). That’s how much information is packed into each video.

- Custom course worksheets, cheat sheets, templates, and other printables that will help you accomplish the goal for that segment – and continue to use after the course.

The special Kickstarter edition of Author Ads Intensive is designed to take place at the beginning of 2023, from Monday, Jan 2nd through Friday, Jan 27th. There will be FOUR live office hour sessions with New York Times bestselling author Skye Warren where you can ask questions, find answers, and stay accountable.

Can't do the course during that time? No worries. You'll be able to access the materials, including the recordings of the office hours, through the end of 2023.

Inside you'll learn...

- How to make emotive AD IMAGES, the kind that produce more clicks from your ideal readers, even if you don’t have amazing graphic design skills

- How to write COPY that makes readers one-click, including the most compelling taglines about your characters so you draw in the reader looking for your books

- How to TARGET the right interests and audiences that are right for your books and find out which ones are actually buying the books

- What does the data in the ads dashboard mean, and more importantly, how can you mine that data for useful information about what to try next?

- Audiences, lookalikes, and pixels – oh my! How do you work the bells and whistles of advertising to your advantage? We'll cover this as well as the iOS changes.

- How to sell books that are too SEXY for Facebook, whether that’s the book cover or the text. What to do with the dreaded rejected ads.

A note on genre: I write primarily in the romance genre, and most of the students in Author Ads Intensive have been in romance as well. But I have had authors who write thrillers, mystery, science fiction, and other genres come through, and it works great. What's most important is that you write genre fiction. This isn't for memoirs, poetry, nonfiction.

Author Ads Intensive is NOT a private coaching program. The course is designed for self study at your own pace. You must put in the work to follow the Facebook ads strategy for it to work...

This course will not help if you don’t actually do it. If you don’t put in the work, you will not see results–and that’s up to you. 

The information in Author Ads Intensive was created from years of experience running profitable ads and teaching hundreds of authors. Please don't sign up unless you’re really willing to do the hard stuff.


Growth requires change. Since I want every student in this course to see results, you must be willing to change. Not every author is willing to do that, even if it means selling more books and living more comfortably.

In this course you will work hard, but that doesn’t mean putting in long hours.

That means confronting your self-limiting beliefs and flawed preconceptions of what works. It means approaching advertising with fresh eyes.

If you’re ready to take your career to the next level, if you’re motivated, if you’re hungry for it, if you’re willing to do the work, this is for you.

What a start!
over 2 years ago – Wed, Nov 16, 2022 at 11:57:59 AM

Thank you so much for funding my first Kickstarter so quickly. I've gotten some requests to create a few other variations, which I've gone ahead and done, including...

- One for the Author Ads Intensive with the Mastering Trilogies VIP Day

- One with the print book, the spiral workbook, and the audiobook

I also made the paperback and the spiral notebook add ons, so if you want to purchase more than one copy, either to give as a gift or to have extra workbooks to use in future years, you can do so. Unfortunately I was only able to do it for the US people, since shipping was already included. If I'd opened it up to other countries, I would have had to collect duplicate shipping if someone wanted two workbooks. I'm not sure if there's a way around that.

Thank you to everyone who's already backed it, some before I even woke up. (I'm a night owl!) And thank you to everyone who backs it now...

Also! I have a stretch goals planned, so stay tuned.

HUGE New Reward + Stretch Goal
over 2 years ago – Mon, Nov 14, 2022 at 08:35:08 AM

Thank you so much for helping us hit our last stretch goal! The fill-in-the-blank marketing deck for romance authors is now available as an add-on! You can choose the physical card deck or a digital PDF version.

And I have a brand-new stretch goal...

If we get to 1,000 backers, I'm going to offer 1-on-1 personal, private advice for anyone who backs at $145 or more.

Examples of what you can ask are:

- Here are two story ideas. Which one should I write next?

- My marketing doesn't appear to be landing. What am I doing wrong?

- What do you think I need to do to hit the next level?

You'll be given a space to ask your question in a form, along with a way to upload a photo. Your answer will arrive in a voice message. There is no promised minimum or maximum on these voice messages. Skye Warren will answer based on what she'd say over coffee. Generally the more detail provided the more detailed the answer can be, but sometimes she can riff on general questions too. 

This will be a FREE reward add-on to anyone who backed at that level, if we hit the stretch goal. So please share if you want to make this an option!

Stretch Goal REACHED!
over 2 years ago – Mon, Nov 14, 2022 at 08:23:03 AM

Yay! Thank you so much for sharing the news about the stretch goals. Our personal question goal has been met, so everyone who pledged at $145 or above will get a question answered by New York Times bestselling author Skye Warren.

There have been some questions about how to add the previous stretch goal (Marketing Deck), and I had to do some research to figure that out since I'm new to Kickstarter. Below you can find the available add-ons, their cost, and instructions on how to add them.

In case the image doesn't come through, here's the same info in plain text...

Physical Marketing Deck - $20

Digital Marketing Deck - $15

Additional signed paperback of The Bestselling author next door - $25

Additional spiral workbook - $10

Additional audiobook - $15

You should be able to select an add-on by doing the following:

1. Click the “manage your pledge” button on the project’s page.

2. Increase your pledge by the amount needed to claim the add-on(s).

3. Save your pledge. Do not change the tier that you originally pledged at.

(Thank you to Crowd Crux for these instructions.)

The campaign is almost over, so I'm going to share one final stretch goal tomorrow!

Fill in the Blank Marketing Deck for Romance Novels!
over 2 years ago – Sat, Nov 12, 2022 at 10:08:53 AM

Wow - the Kickstarter is doing amazing! Thank you so much for supporting it and sharing. I wanted to offer something that I created, it's kind of a Mad Libs meets Book Marketing, with fill in the blank prompts.

A mockup of the Fill in the Blank Marketing Deck. Not necessarily the final design.

It makes it super easy to write blurbs, Facebook ads, TikTok videos, Instagram captions, and more.

How do you condense a 85,000-word novel into a couple sentences?

This marketing deck has you covered.

This is a stretch goal, so if we can get to 600 backers (as I type this we're at 580) then I'll put this as an Add-on. It will cost $20 and can be added onto any existing physical order without adding shipping. There will also be a digital version. So if you're interested in having a deck like this, please share it with any authors you know.

This is a romance-focused deck. If there's enough interest for a mystery/thriller or PNR/SF/fantasy deck I might be able to do another set, but we'll see.