
The Bestselling Author Next Door Book

Created by Skye Warren

Take control of your author career to sell more books, spend more time writing, and build consistent income so you can stop stressing. If you missed any of the items from the campaign, you can grab them here! BackerKit automatically adds them to the campaign totals.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Update on the Marketing Deck
about 2 years ago – Fri, Dec 30, 2022 at 12:59:29 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

BackerKit surveys (almost) complete!
about 2 years ago – Thu, Dec 22, 2022 at 09:40:33 PM

Thank you so much for filling out the BackerKit surveys! We are finalizing the counts and BackerKit is charging credit cards soon, for most everyone.

There are a few stragglers. I'm sure some people are just busy at this time of year, but I know others had trouble getting the survey. I spoke with BackerKit about it and they said that some emails bounced, or those who login to Kickstarter with Apple, they can't see the email address. For those people or anyone who was not able to fill out a survey, please email [email protected] for a workaround.

Wishing you peace and warmth wherever you are in the world.

Thank you!

BackerKit surveys are out!
about 2 years ago – Mon, Dec 19, 2022 at 07:30:38 PM

Everyone who backed the Kickstarter should have gotten their BackerKit survey in your inbox! If you didn't get it, you can request a new email from here:

This will confirm the rewards that you pledged and any add-ons. It also allows you to add new items to pledge if there was anything you wanted but missed during the campaign. This is the last chance to confirm your shipping address and more, so please double check. Thank you!

BackerKits on the way!
about 2 years ago – Sun, Dec 11, 2022 at 09:40:16 PM

Hello, authors!

Thank you so much for backing The Bestselling Author Next Door. We have BackerKit surveys coming soon. Thank you for your patience as I learn this new platform. This will make it much easier to ship out the rewards to you, as well as verify any add-ons. You'll even be able to add-on things that you might have wanted but didn't originally include in your pledge.

So if you were eyeing extra spiral workbooks, the marketing deck, the Mastering Trilogies workshop, or anything else, this will be the time...

You don't need to create a BackerKit Account to fill our the survey. Just click on the survey link, fill it out, and you'll be all set. Note: The survey is not currently sent. It will be sent to your email via BackerKit soon.

You can also check on the status of the surveys and revise your survey here:

Thank you again!

FINAL Stretch Goal!
about 2 years ago – Mon, Nov 21, 2022 at 09:15:22 AM

We're in the home stretch of the campaign! Only a few more days. I have one final goal of 1,400 backers...

So if you want this reward, be sure to share!


This is a brand new talk on a subject that I've been studying for years, but in a more focused way recently. I just got back from the fifth Romance Author Mastermind, and it was compelling how many six and seven figure authors stood up there and expressed intention around writing their breakout books.

This is focused on romance, because that's the readership I understand the best. I think non-romance authors can definitely get value from it, but a lot of examples will be based on romance.

This dovetails nicely with the Mastering Trilogies all-day seminar, but it's not required for them to go together. You can write a great trilogy without this information and alternately you can write a breakout book that isn't part of a trilogy.

They do work amazing together, though.

A 60-minute exclusive presentation on writing a breakout book with intention, rather than crossing our fingers. This is half craft and half packaging. It's not about writing to market (at least as far as I understand that idea), but instead about attracting a wider readership and funneling them into your books strategically.

This includes examples from both my books, my small press, and books we see on the market. I'm defining a breakout book as a book that significantly expands an author's readership and sales beyond what their platform normally provides. There are certain characters these books have in common.

Everyone who pledges $100 or more will be eligible to attend this live and recorded exclusive presentation taking place in January 2023... if we hit our stretch goal of 1,400 backers.