
The Bestselling Author Next Door Book

Created by Skye Warren

Take control of your author career to sell more books, spend more time writing, and build consistent income so you can stop stressing. If you missed any of the items from the campaign, you can grab them here! BackerKit automatically adds them to the campaign totals.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Last box of paperbacks + some RAM news!
6 months ago – Thu, Nov 16, 2023 at 10:51:03 AM

We have a single box of books leftover from our Kickstarter campaign, so if you didn't get a paperback and regretted it--or if you want to get one as a gift for an author, now is the time!

If you're interested, you can take a look and one-click here:

This bundle comes with the signed paperback, the e-book, audiobook, digital workbook, and digital marketing deck. We do ship internationally, though as you know, shipping fees and customs can be a lot. There are no plans for additional printings of the paperback. (Though I did an extremely small run of exclusive hardcovers for my Next Level Lab mastermind, which I'll show you guys when they arrive.)


I have the date for the next Romance Author Mastermind, which is the weekend of October 17th, 2024!

If you don't know about this, it's an event specifically for intermediate and advanced authors to help get to the next level. The speaker lineup so far is straight fire. 

I don't maintain a newsletter just for RAM but I do communicate via my newsletter for authors, which you can join here:

I'll be sending out more information about the event next week, including information about the in-person and virtual options. And our In the Margins scholarship, which I'm very proud of.

OFFER: Personal Coaching with NYT bestselling author Skye Warren
7 months ago – Thu, Sep 28, 2023 at 11:06:38 AM

Hello, backers!

A quick note to let you know about a new program for personalized coaching with me, NYT bestselling author Skye Warren. I already launched sneak peek-ed this in the Author Thoughts newsletter and it's almost full. We've got two spots remaining if anyone is looking for a high-impact program to help get your career to the next level.

And as something fun, I'm also doing a special hardcover edition of THE BESTSELLING AUTHOR NEXT DOOR for these folks.

NEXT LEVEL LAB is specifically for romance authors who have taken courses, learned lots of things, but are still feeling stuck. We will cover things like ads strategy and book releases. More importantly, we'll position them in the wider context of your career, your strengths, and your mental blocks, so you can actually take action. If you have to-do lists a mile long but aren't seeing the lift in your book sales, this is for you.

It’s a mixture of actual hands-on business strategy mixed with mindset.

My goal is for everyone in the program to have a clear business strategy based on data that they can also execute with their own strengths and blocks in order to get to the next level. Doing the work will always be yours. NEXT LEVEL LAB is a safe container in which to figure out what actually works for you and how to scale that.

This program includes live lessons, a small group experience, and a private one-on-one session with Skye. You can join the NEXT LEVEL LAB here >

Since this is a larger investment I’m also offering payment plans.

If this isn’t in the cards for you right now, please don’t worry. This is a no-pressure offer. Something else will come along that's perfect for where you're at in your journey. I'm also running Romance Author Mastermind in 2024, so it might be that!

IMPORTANT: Date and time change for VIP call
11 months ago – Wed, Jun 14, 2023 at 08:53:24 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

90-minute Q&A and Coaching is tomorrow!
11 months ago – Tue, Jun 13, 2023 at 10:42:39 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Breakout Romance Novel happening tomorrow!
11 months ago – Tue, May 30, 2023 at 04:57:18 PM

Hello, authors -

Thank you so much for your kindness and patience as we got The Bestselling Author Next Door out to... everyone! Yes, the ebooks, audiobooks, paperbacks, workbooks, marketing decks, and almost everything have been shared with those who pledged for them. I've gotten some posts and comments from those reading, and the ways it has already changed their mindsets, so I'm very grateful.

There was a bonus as part of a stretch goal for a brand-new workshop titled How to Write a Breakout Romance Novel. That's happening tomorrow, Wednesday, May 31st at 1 pm CST! If you pledged $100 or more then you should have access to it on already.

You can login at and there's also a place to reset your password. Please try that before contacting us! However if you still can't get in then you can email [email protected]. (Note: If you did not pledge more than $100 in the Kickstarter, you will not have an account on Inside Author Ads Intensive you can find the product How to Write a Breakout Romance Novel which has the Zoom link.

While most of my conversation revolves around marketing your books, this is one of the few times where, along with Mastering Trilogies, I talk about craft. Since we're focused on a "breakout" romance novel, we're still thinking about sales, but this is what we can do while we're writing the book.

In case you're wondering if you're going to have to "sell out", please know that the phrase selling out supports the lie of the starving artist. It's a false dichotomy. You don't need to starve to create great art.

And more importantly--I fully believe good craft leads to better sales. That has always been true, it's just not something I've really talked about in detail until now.  This workshop will focus on that.

It WILL be recorded, so no worries if you can't make it live.

The 90-minute VIP Group Coaching and Q&A will be on Wednesday, June 14th at 1 pm CST. It's a little more important that you've read the book by this time, as we will be discussing the ideas and implementation strategies from what's inside. But even if you don't read it in time you can still show up and soak it in. And of course, it will also be recorded.

The only other item left on the Kickstarter after that is the Personal Advice from Skye Warren, which is happening slowly but I will get through all of them over the summer. (I enjoy them but also find it stressful because I want to read all your books and do a deep dive for every person, which is literally impossible. But please know that I believe in every single one of you.)