
The Bestselling Author Next Door Book

Created by Skye Warren

Take control of your author career to sell more books, spend more time writing, and build consistent income so you can stop stressing. If you missed any of the items from the campaign, you can grab them here! BackerKit automatically adds them to the campaign totals.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Journals DONE + Shipping Update!
almost 2 years ago – Sat, Mar 25, 2023 at 09:50:52 AM

Hello, authors!

Very excited to share that he journals are in! They are so pretty, and yes, I'm obviously stealing a couple for myself to use for my planning purposes...

Image of The Bestselling Author Next Door Workbook

The only thing we're waiting for is the cards now, but I've already seen photos from the manufacturer and they're shipping to me now.

Which means!

I can set a more firm ship date of 4/15. That's when we'll have all the materials we need to get these in the mail. It may take a couple days to get out since there's about 750 that need to go out, but I have help.

That also means I'm able to set dates for the following...

The Breakout Romance Novel workshop will be on Wednesday, May 31st at 1 pm CST! I know that everyone will get the book at a different time, particularly international folks, but I hope this will give everyone enough time to read the book, or at least start it before we have the call. You don't HAVE to read it beforehand, but I'll reference some of the ideas without explaining them on the call so we can focus on additional material.

Of course, this WILL be recorded, so if you can't make that time, or just don't read the book in time, don't worry! You'll get to see everything.

Additionally the 90-minute VIP Group Coaching and Q&A will be on Wednesday, June 14th at 1 pm CST. It's a little more important that you've read the book by this time, as we will be discussing the ideas and implementation strategies from what's inside. But even if you don't read it in time you can still show up and soak it in. And of course, it will also be recorded.

So mark your calendars if you pledged for those.

Talk to you soon!

- Skye

Update: Proofs for the paperback are in!
almost 2 years ago – Tue, Mar 07, 2023 at 12:48:54 PM

Hey, everyone!

Excited to share that the proof copies of the paperback are in my hands. In fact the full shipment is printed, though it's still in shipment. I'm very happy with how the little details turned out, the spine, the illustrated scene breaks, etc... all the things authors care about more than readers, usually! But still lots of fun.

Paperback copies of The Bestselling Author Next Door

Waiting on these to come in, and also finalizing the workbook and marketing deck so we can get everything done and ready to ship.

Mr. Warren has had a bumpy recovery. The original plan was 6-9 months until he could have full mobility back, but so far we're already delayed by infection a month, so we're just taking it day by day over here.

Thank you for your kind words and patience!

Update for shipping
almost 2 years ago – Fri, Feb 03, 2023 at 07:20:37 PM

Hello, I'm dropping in with a quick update. A few weeks ago Mr. Warren fell off a ladder and broke his foot in a couple places. We've been dealing with surgery, so I'm behind.

Paperbacks are ordered, the marketing deck is on its way, and the journal is being printed right now. Not sure when I'll have everything in hand to ship, but I want to ship them all at once since everyone has ordered different variations.

Take a look at how the spine and back of the paperback look...

As for other fulfillment, we had the Kickstarter edition of Author Ads Intensive and the Mastering Trilogies all-day workshop. The audiobook is done. The VIP call and Breakout Novel calls will be scheduled once I have a firmer ship date for everything.

Thank you!

Mastering Trilogies on Wednesday!
about 2 years ago – Mon, Jan 09, 2023 at 08:41:14 PM

A quick reminder that Mastering Trilogies all-day workshop is on January 11th!

The information and links can be found at If you don't have your password, please check the spam folder. You can also reset the password in order to get in, using the same email address you use on Kickstarter. If you still can't get in, please message here on Kickstarter so we can get you setup ASAP.

See you there!

Fulfillment has begun!
about 2 years ago – Wed, Jan 04, 2023 at 12:32:52 PM

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